Friday, August 10, 2007


Monash. We're an international university, right? We're using a new and clean campus right? We're studying at a campus which provides us with a great learning environment and I love the new study commons in the library. I love the architecture, though it somehow reminds me of a governmental building, but it's nice and new. And I love it quite a bit.


I don't mind the small cafeteria so much as we are uni students and we can find our way around to finding food that doesn't cost us a limb. I don't mind the small student lounge being so cramped and congested whilst the staff lounge has designer couches and are about the size of double the student lounge. I don't mind that the staff have 50% discount off parking and more seasonally parking spaces allocated to them. I don't mind that our PVC doesn't have answers but keeps promising to "look into this issue,". I don't mind it all that much… or do I? But today, that isn't the issue. Want to know what is?


I CANNOT STAND IDIOTS THAT SQUAT ON SITTING TOILETS!!!! What the fuck is wrong with you STUPID girls?! A SITTING toilet is for SITTING on! You don't climb on top of the toilet seat to squat then pee/ shit! Bloody hell! If you don't want to sit on the damn thing, line it with toilet paper! It's there in the loo!!! You're a uni student for fucks sake! Use the brain you apparently have to deduce whether the toilet is meant for squatting on or sitting on!


Want to know what brought about this outburst? You may think, "Ah, Beat's just PMS-ing or something,". Oh, but I assure you, if you were subjected to the horrors of the stupidity and disgustingness some of the females in our uni. I wish I knew who the hell did what I'm about to say in this blog so I could go up to her and give her a piece of my mind… these girls are a shame to the entire female population!


Want to know the issue? Well, it's like this. Just now, I was studying in the library and needed to go to the loo. So off I went. I usually take sitting toilets as they tend to be less messy, less pee not many people like to use them. So I turn into the first cubicle. Some STUPID BITCH SHAT THERE AND DIDN'T FUCKING FLUSH THE LOO!!! To make matters worse, she SQUATED ON THE DAMN BOWL! Hello!!!! Don't you freaking see the flush button?! Is it so hard to push it? Or does you itty bitty finger seem to delicate to push it, yet you can balance on the toilet seat and shit your fucking ass off?! Fine, I wrinkle my nose in disgust and shake my head at the idiocy that occurred.


I walk to the next cubicle and push the door open… FUCK! That's the first word that popped into my head. To be exact, "What the fuck…" was what followed my thoughts. I remind you, I'm in the university loo. I'm not in a public loo smack in the middle of KL. I'm not in the bus station loo. I'm not anywhere in a loo that smells like puke, shit and piss, yet… you know what I see?! A LUMP OF SHIT ON THE TOILET SEAT! A FREAKING LUMP OF SHIT ANS STAINS WHERE THE REST ROLLED OFF THE SEAT INTO THE BOWL… &!$%!~!*!$&%*^)!*$&^()@%*@&!($*$%&%*#( )!




IN A GIRL'S LOO!!!!! It's just sick-making!


And I thought guys were uncouth. Fuck. This stupid shit of a person shat on the toilet seat!!! Does anyone think of the poor mak cik that has to clean the loo?! If the idiot who did this could flush the loo, why the fuck can't you use a tissue and flick your shit into the loo! In the first place, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU SQUAT ON A SITTING TOILET!!!


Ok. I'm really pissed off at the mentality of majority of the Malaysian females and Malaysians. Most of them do it, and I'm embarrassed to say that when I was small I used to too, but with the toilet seat up, and with my mum's instructions. At least now, I learn, if I want to squat, I go to the squatting loo and if the cubicle is occupied and the sitting one is the only one available, I'll line it with tissue or "hover" so my ass doesn't touch the footprints on the seat. By the way, hovering is damn uncomfortable, but worth it.


Malaysian ladies out there that read my blog, if you squat on sitting toilets, please, for all that's clean and hygienic sake, line the seat with paper, or hover if you must. Be civilised for all the civilised people in the world. I'm scarred for life with the mental image of the shit. I swear I'll think twice whenever I use that toilet.


Ps. If you were the one that left the shit there in the bowl or on the seat, YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT. DO THIS STUFF AT HOME AND SEE HOW YOUR MUM WOULD REACT. Think of the poor mak cik la you fuck shits.


Pss.. I know this post is full of words that would make your eyes burn, but can you blame me? I'm trying to portray how smelly and disgusting it is with words…


Psss… this is not a post to directly offend the uni. Believe me this, if anything, I love my university, hence me doing this post. If you're the Monash admin, I'm sorry if you don't like the language or my "subtle" stabs at the things I'm not satisfied with in uni. I have brought it up to MUSA and student services. Still waiting for some form of response in regard to that!


Andrew Chan said...

Well, let me tell u...this does not happen just in malaysia.

In my first year, I was staying in the university hall..and my neighbours are all guai mui guai low... We have to share toilet (unisex toilet..keke) but guess what? there's always some kind of shat stain in the toilet bowl... -__-

Then, this year...I live in a students flat (all guys) and have to share toilet with them. This time, mainly mainland chinese and another malaysian. The toilet stain story again... I don't know whether it's the malaysian or the mainland chinese. about civilised and uncivilised...

I always ensure the toilet is clean after i use it (if i accidentally left some residue ehem there, i will always clean it)...but those buggers with no brain but still studying in uni always dirty it. I got to the point where I can't be bothered to clean the stains they left and just leave it as it is. Why must i clean those stains for them? =(

Btw, better put some warning....otherwise some ppl might throw up their lunch and dinner while reading ur

Beat said...

it's shocking how many idiots there are in the world, hor? sigh! warning eh? haha! okie dokie :P

whatdamn said...

you think the story in writing is bad?

she took pics of the shite with my phone cam!

now i have to get my phone exorcised and fully cleansed.

Y0n6z said...

Lol. Well! Ill jst repeat this agn..but different. We're in a place with 1st world facilities, third world nation. It cant be helped. Sad.. Strangely enough, i was thinking abt this issue when i was in the staff toilet this morning. Coincidence??