Saturday, May 26, 2007

Boys of Monash University, Sunway Campus! Part II

To all my avid readers, thank you for all the wonderful comments and hits i've recieved for my previous post :P as promised, i have 3 wonderful men available for this new edition! as with the previous post, this will feature 3 men from our wonderful university. as stated earlier, if any are interested, do contact me! contrary to popular belief, i have their contacts at the tip of my fingers! without more delay, here's our first eligible bachelor!

Male No. 1 !!! (Pisces)

I offer you, Sern Liang, Monash Engineering's finest (yeah right!)! want a man who's intelligent and has a life? Sern liang's yearly average for his studies in Monash? HDs... now, contrary to popular belief, despite his magnificent grades, this guy has a life!! he goes out clubbing and drinking and suprisingly is still capable of handing his work up on time and scoring well in the mini tests he may have! but this guy's a bit of a bin tai lou (dirty bugger) so you can always have him watching the girls go by. he's also known for his head butting incident. please ladies, if you wish to dance with him, do be at a certain height where his chin will not be threatened with damage! :P (said incident resulted in him getting an MSN contact, but no phone number... hahah!)

Specky and average height, around 5' 7" or 5' 9", this speciment of intelligent males, is always dressed in a tight shirt and slacks. i have never seen him without his hair neatly gelled and his entire appearance squeeky clean. but sadly for this guy, i have noticed he sweats alot! and easily too! but then again, for those of you that think sweaty guys are hot, i guess he's suitable for you (not my thing at all). in uni, the best place to find him isn't in the library but in the engineering labs! he'll be sitting behind a computer with his MSN on chatting to goodness knows who and doing goodness knows what.

*as much as i'd rather have more to write about him, i don't. for the engineering guys that may stumble across this, please give me mre dirt... i know he has some!

Male No. 2!!! (Pisces)

Ah!! Biotech's own submission. our very own philip tay! or as i affectionately call, him, Zen. now, zen, there is a hundred and one things that can be said about him. this lounge attendant has been my friend since i was 13 (since form 1 la). when we graduated from high school, i thought i'd be rid of him (just joking, k?). but who'd have thunk it that the fella stalked me into monash... doing the same course as me some more! :O hahah! joking weh. but anyhow, he's a regular guy. nothing facinating.. to me at least :P

Zen plays the drums and performs in his church frequently. but don't let this goody goody two shoes give you the wrong impression. he clubber wor! his famous b'day bash that resulted in him making the complete fool of himself the same night sern liang got head butted will go down in history. he had effectively ruined the water bottle my nick was drinking from by smashing down on the table several times. his drunked stupor was vehemantly denied during that time (ok. that didn't really help him much did it?) hehe!

zen's a great friend. tries to outdo me when i'm sarcastic with him, to no avail. but he does try, so i have to give him some credit for that! hahah! his small stature is not to be outdone by his loud and rather raspy voice. he constantly spikes up his hair as shown in the picture, unless he has a cap on (must be compensating for something... height) and he's always lugging his laptop around and playing inane games on it... (unreal?! the game la!) lately he's having this obssession with a cute rabbit... :S ahaha

as you can see in the pic, he has fallen asleep in the lounge again with his "Fitness First" headphones on whilst listening to something. he has this tendency to do that. he has a slight belly, which initially, he denied of its existance, but now wears with pride. a truly good chap!

Male No. 3!!! (Scorpio)

This is our beloved John Lim (a.k.a John Sabah a. k. a Wushu man). he's a funny bloke i say! ahha! man of many sounds. sit next to him for a day and laugh your ass off as he makes his series of odd noises, ranging from unique mannerisms of say "fuyoh" to "uh oh". you should listen to him imitate DotA character noises, super funny! this dude is born in the year of a tiger, but hangs out with us oxen alot. i think he's a sesat tiger. hahah!

i have a standing bet with him that he won't get his 6 pecs by the end of the year and he is determined to prove me wrong. ladies, want a nice firm man? look elsewhere till i give you the thumbs up! hhehe! but if you want a guy to work out with, john is available. another thing about this guy's health. he just had a brush with dengue and is jovial about it. he's crazy...

as the ladies can see, his guy is broad shouldered with loads of meat (and fat). he's got baby soft hair and boasts about it (rolls eyes). he loves to drink beer and hails from kinabalu. he's extremely fair with a pinky skin tone (jealous...) and he's extremely funny. he likes to think that he's sexy, as you can see from my msnchat with him:

John Sabah Lim says (10:44 PM):
i'm da sexy guy
b347: Give me the wind and the surf...( Monash Males Part 2!) says (10:45 PM):
oh really..
John Sabah Lim says (10:45 PM):
one of the most attractive ppl on earth

funny right? and rather obnoxious too...hahha! i dare testify he's not sexy! just alright my my department. eager to have a guy that's super crazy, is a cheerleader, protein bar chomper, 6-pec-wannabe and just plain funny, get john! :)

*can't really do much for this posting... the first one took too much out of me :( may edit to make it nicer in the near future (read by next week)


Ow3N~w3iHoN said...

of all people, u did zen? hahaha! i didnt know you had a fetish of staring and judging him...

Anonymous said...

urghh... that pic and the post is not very flattering man... hahahah hell... at least alex one is worse :D