Sunday, March 05, 2006

Petrol Prices... Up Up and Away!!!! (but our morale going down baby)

i know i've already blogged for today but then something in me needs to be let out. sigh! you see, petrol prices went up early last week if i remember right. my parents each drive a car and my mum's 4x4 uses diesel. diesel is cheaper but then that's not what i'm talking about now. what i'm going to share is what happened this morning, and how it affected a decision i made just an hour ago.

you see, my mum needs to pump gas every week due to fetching my brothers up and down everyday. so today, after church, we went to a shell station along the highway to pump some gas. shell staff are given a car, a petrol card that entitles the holder to 5% discount off the total price. now, what happened is dad was moody today and when he went to pay for the gas through the card, the sales girl told him that people cannot pump "full" tank this way, but state an amount. dad blew up and stormed out of the petrol convinient store, embaressing my mother and brother who were waiting in line to buy bread.

after that, dad made a short trip to another kiosk near damansara. he went in and bought RM50. this time, the kiosk didn't accept the shell card so no discount. mum wasn't amused. though we could have saved a mere RM2.50, mum has been saving every penny. my brother was planning to go NZ to do his engineering. aside from that, money is hard to get nowadays. she and dad were quarrelling all the way home. as usual, we kids would be quiet as mice to let mum blow of some steam.

ok. now onto now. just now, i walked out of the shower, dressed and good to go back to the hostel when mum suddenly says that i'll be sent back tomorrow. saving petrol apparently. dad takes a similar route. the catch is my class is at 8am. and this is majorly inconvinient for me. other than that, my dear dear planned to see me tonight and i had to cancel it due to this. sigh. trying to bargain my way into getting them to send me home would result in a huge fight so i backed out. sigh.

i know nick's upset about this and would be rather moody, knowing him la. but then i guess the one that is to blame is me. i shouldn't have told him that i'll see him tonight. to top it off, i won't be spending nearly 24/7 with him this week as i'll be spending most of my time in the hostel to make sure i have time to go to his race with him... i think i'll call him after this to apologise... stupid petrol prices...

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