Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009 already?!

The year is coming to a close. Today is the eve of 2009. 2009. It sounds so strange on my tongue. I'll be starting the New Year with a blasted cold though. I've also been thinking about making New Year resolutions. I may not be able to keep them though. I guess I'll list them down nicely here then. Who knows? Readers may be able to encourage me to actually stick to the damn things.


  1. Remember to actually note down all my expenses so I can keep an eye on my budget
  2. Be a better girlfriend (one that doesn't exasperate Nick so much it renders him red in the face and speechless)
  3. Be a better friend (one that actually makes an effort to keep in touch)
  4. Be a better daughter (go online more than once a week to talk to my overly anxious mummy)


Well, that's all my sick-addled brain can come up with for now.


Yesterday, I went to Marmalade Cafe, a quaint little place in Bangsar Village II. Pretty good food and affordable, it was pretty enjoyable. Nick and I went there for his birthday. Initially, the grouch that he is didn't want to go with the reasoning that it was just an excuse for us to go out. I still believe in the fun of birthdays and enjoying the day you were born on. Fine, I'm childish! Whatever! At least I'm happy most of the time. ANYWAYS! I found the place through KLue and decided to try to the place. The pictures of the pastries and food looked great, that and KS was sitting next to me telling me to be his guinea pig in testing this place out.


We ordered the salmon quiche and some avocado pasta. Nick took the pasta, and I had the quiche. The quiche was lovely. The pastry was so so though. The filling however was lovely. It wasn't too salty or bland and the salmon bits were scattered through the pie. Nick's pasta took the spotlight though. It smelt delicious, looked delicious and tasted awesome! Despite the very green colour, it didn't taste too "green" for lack of better words. The chicken chunks in the pasta weren't fatty and fell apart nicely in the mouth. As dessert, we ordered the chocolate brownie. THAT was good.The brownie came to us topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate syrup. The brownie itself was warm with a moist centre. Thinking about it makes me hungry. Bugger! Well, the brownie was rather rich, which is good.


I won't be posting pictures here just yet. I can't seem to find my cable to transfer the pictures from my phone to my laptop. I was tempted to take pictures of the plate of the finished brownie. There wasn't a crumb there in sight. All that was left was chocolate syrup spread around by Nick who was trying to wipe up every morsel of chocolate cake! Sadly, I wasn't feeling so great so Nick and I decided to leave the little place to walk around a bit.


Anyways, tonight, I think I'll either pass the invitations to go out if my cold gets worse. As of now, I'm sniffling and blowing my nose every once in a while. Highly annoying, mind you!

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