Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What’s with all the Bus Crashes?!!?

I just popped over to Kenny Sia's blog. There was a small post on a girl that was killed in a bus accident. Turns out, she was a friend of one of my friends. Small world? The shit thing about this accident is that the screwed up bus driver that has 13 summons got away with only a broken leg. I get it if driving the bus is the only way he can feed his family or what not, but dude! You killed people! This isn't the first time bus accidents have occurred. The few times that I take public transport, I thank God it isn't to other states. Heck! Even the bus we take during our field work, though considered safer, can be a rollercoaster ride!! I have seen more than once, the crazy way bus drivers manoeuvre their buses through traffic and on the highway, they're downright scary!


I don't get it why the bus companies are willing to risk their reputations for a bunch of cheap drivers that driver like loonies and have driving offenses left, right and centre. It's not like they can't find other people to drive? Not only that, the lawsuits and what not that would be hitting them in the face when they kill people with their lousy buses isn't really worth it, is it? More than once, I have seen a bus so full with people, a sudden stop may result in them thrown out of the vehicle. There is no strict laws being enforced to ensure that regulations are kept to. Buses with black smoke shouldn't be on the road. There was once the incident a lady fell out because the bus moved suddenly and it was too full!


It breaks my heart to see news like this.


Greed is the downfall of man, and the innocents are the ones that pay.


There's a website that's petitioning for safer long distance bus journeys. Check it out.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Explosives, Gore, Blood, Sweat and Tears...

I have just watched Rambo 4, and all I can say is... HOLY GUACAMOLE! It's a fabulous 18sg show with just the right amount of gore and action. The dialogue is short but sweet, and the action speaks louder than words. A good ending to the Rambo series. The opening itself was something special.


If you guys are action junkies, this show is really good. Nick and I were impressed at the realistic shots of body parts flying and blood spilling all over the place. There's even a scene where the blood seems to splatter onto the camera. Awesome!


Anyways, onto boring and not as exciting news, I have a final exam on the 5th. Due to that, I'm off to hit the books as I surf the internet in between breaks. *chuckle!* other than that, I'll be having to sacrifice my precious blood, sweat and tears for this damn paper... Bah HUMBUG!!!


*by the way, have you guys read Xiaxue's blog? That girl can really spend money. Wow! How did she earn so much?

Friday, January 04, 2008

2008 here I... Aaaaaachooooo! *Sniffle...*

I am currently akin to Rudolph the red nosed reindeer... I have an awful cold and have been sneezing the whole day! Sigh! So in a nutshell, my day has been a sniffling and red-nosed miserable day. The highlight of the day? My dear taking me out for lunch and giving me a lot of T and C. Of course, that's because of the miserable whining and sniffling I used to gain his sympathy... I'm shameless...


I have not been blogging lately due to classes during the summer. There has however been a few incidences as of late that has been irking me to a degree. One is the issue whereby other religions are not allowed to use the word "Allah" to address their God. Ok, fine, I may be bias as I am a Christian, and a Catholic at that. I am very proud of my religion, though we do have our shameful moments in history, as with every other religion. Christians have always adopted the "Holier-than-thou" approach to everything. I don't think I'm like that though. Anyways, I oppose the ministry's decision to make the word "Allah" exclusive to Muslims alone.


"The one, supreme, and only God, the creator of the world and the universe. The term "Allah" is used by Muslims and many Arabic-speaking Christians alike to refer to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob whom adherents of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism worship.
Muslims use the name "Allah" interchangeably with the name "God."... "

Taken from:


Pray tell, what makes it exclusive to Muslims? If I'm not mistaken, the Christians in the middle east call upon God as Allah too. Right? Not to mention, the native Christian communities that speak Malay only have addressed God as Allah for all this while. Even Indonesia does not have the restriction to who gets to use the word. Allah = God. So does that mean that Muslims are not allowed to use the word "Tuhan" and "God"? after all, it would only be fair that they are not allowed to use "non-muslim" terms to address the deity that they pray to.


This is the problem with Malaysia. We have a ministry run by close-minded fools (yes, this under-grad who keeps failing genetic subjects has just called you bunch of arrogant, ignorant pricks fools) that think that just because the Malay race in Malaysia is the "superior" race, we have to submit to their extremists. Haven't they seen what extremists have become? Look at Osama, the Al Qaeda, and the Taliban. Nothing good came of these extremists. True, it was in the constitution that they are the "special" race. The "bumiputra" have long been pampered with the NEP which obviously hasn't helped much. At the risk of sounding racist, despite the NEP, large numbers of Malays still live in poverty. I'm not saying all Malays are useless. Don't get me wrong! I have plenty of Malay friends that are much more successful in both academics and life than I am. These few are those that make an effort to break from the mould


But I digress, haven't I? I honestly believe that "Allah" should not be limited exclusively to Muslims. It isn't fair to the Christian Malay speaking communities in Malaysia. What's the point of trying to get us to speak our national language more often when you don't even allow us to fully utilise all the word properly? Yes, I know I may be treading on thin ice, but just had to let out my bit to educate others.