Sunday, October 29, 2006

Things Kids Say and Do...

this blog today is just about the funny things that we used to do as kids and basically what kids do when they haven't been exposed to the evil evil world. where boys can get girl germs and girls think boys have cooties :P

Story Number 1 :

Daddy was from a moderate family and it was the early 60s. he had just started his first day at school and he bravely marched to school with his elder brothers. sitting down smartly, he told himself he was a big boy and could take care of himself, which of course he did. it was also a good thing that school was just behind home so he could go home real quick when he was done. finally, after a couple of hours sitting at his little wooden desk, the bell rang and all the kids got up to rush out to play. now, my dear daddy didn't go to kindergarten before and was very unfamiliar with the whole school thing. so picking up his little bag, he marched on home. walking into the kitchen, he saw my grandmother cooking.

"hi mamma"
"son, what are you doing here? school finished early?" my grandma looked up at dad with a confused look. where were her elder boys. and she was pretty sure that school wasn't out for a few more hours.

it then dawned to my daddy that the bell had rung, not for going home, but for recess. so like the little soldier he was, he picked up his little bag, marched back to school, and slid into his seat, just as the bell for the end of recess rang.

when my father told us that story, we all started laughing our heads off. dad looked around rather sheepishly, but i think dad turned out pretty ok for a guy that walked home during recess on his first day of school... hahah!

Story Number 2:

Now, I'm the type of girl that can never remember when i should be having my period. yes, stating this may be crude to some of you out there, so screw you. hahah! anyhow, i was starting it and i was sadly, travelling in the car. so i announced to my parents i thought i was having period. now, my youngest brother, Egbert, aged 9, not familiar with the female anatomy asked me what period was.

"zhe zhe, what's period?"
"it's something that makes me have a really bad stomach ache,"
"like needing to do number 2 real bad?"
"yeah, something like that,"
"oh, ok. i think i'm having period too, then..."

it made me laugh at the time, which i think he'll sorely regret saying so some 3 - 4 years down the road. hahah!

Story Number 3:

Scenario: dinner time and everyone is chatting happily at the table

Bert : zhe zhe, what's playboy?

*conversation ceases. all eyes swing to the youngest child and me. my parents wait with abated breath wondering how i'd explain it.*

Me : It's a... it's a... er, why do you ask?
Bert : cos i saw it just now...
Me : Ok... where did you see it?
Bert : oh, a man in the lift had it. remember daddy?

*dad looks freaked out, like "don't look at me!"*

Des : yeah, like dad'll say anything about that (dad glares at des)
Mum: hmm... i've never actually seen one of those... (almost wistfully)
Me : wait, didn't uncle @+_*& bring some back from US?
Mum: oh, those? your grandpa took them and hid them once he saw them. i bet if you rummage through his cupboard, it's still there...

Me : Wait, Bert, where did you see this Playboy? was it a magazine?
Bert : No... it was on his shirt!

i think that boy's the death of me! i swear!


Anonymous said...

Now this is what I call quality post! I can't stop laughing...LOL!

Ow3N~w3iHoN said...

hahaha! u juz busted secrets dat'll come back to haunt u beatrice dear. hahahaha! and eggbert is gonna hate you for all those humiliating times. haha! :P:P