Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Ghastly Accidents and Announcements...

Hey people! My supplementary paper is over! I'm so happy for that! I think if I have to look at GEN 3030 again, I'm either really cursed and all heavenly beings hate my sorry behind, or I'm just plain stupid. Been a tiring week so far. I've been feeling lethargic and moody. It doesn't help that the weather is not looking up. The haze seems to have returned in our little part of the world. It's not as bad as it was a couple of years back when the government declared a state of emergency of sorts. The university has not seen the need to open up the classrooms till after 6 for the students to study yet. I just hope that the weather doesn't get any worse.


Right now, it's the Chinese version of Halloween. Or to be more precise and exact, the Chinese are celebrating the "Ghost Month". I'm not very superstitious, but ask every Chinese person what they think of this month and they will all say, without a doubt, that this is NOT the month to go around doing stupid things. As if to mark the month off, yesterday, being the first day of the month, 20 people were killed in a bus accident on the NPE. Two people died near the science centre and an accident occurred right in front of uni as I was coming out of the labs. There wasn't any death caused in that particular accident, but in this case, it was the taxi's fault.


So yeah, I'm in the university library doing my work now that my paper is over. I just find it a good place to do some studying, napping and just chilling. I can eat here, there's a toilet not very far away, and it's not too noisy and not too quiet. I have assignments and reports that I put on hold for my paper so I do all of them in the library during my insanely long breaks. There are benefits to being in this place aside from what I just mentioned. I get to observe the types of "nerds" we have in uni. There are the really study-till-I-freaking-drop types, there's the scholarship kids that need to make the grade to keep their scholarship, there are the napping slackers that come here when there's no where else to go and then there's the people like me. The ones that have work to do, which is why they camp in the library... it's a sort of metamorphosis into the uber nerd. This is the crucial stage in that development.


Anyhow, I just heard the most amusing announcement ever. The library is doing some sort of renovation in the library. Minor ones, though. The thing is there was an announcement to inform the students that it would carry on until around 3. The thing about this announcement is the closing statement. I think I was the only one that caught the error as no one else in the library snorted in amusement at the error. Let me tell you what I hear, and before you say something about me not hearing properly or some shit like that, the woman on the PA system made the same mistake... TWICE! Hahah! Anyhow, this is what I heard:

"Kindly apologise for the inconvenience caused. Thank you,"


Do you see the error? Hahah!

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