Brr… Cold, Cold Days!!!
Lately it has been so cold in Uni. It doesn’t help that most of the time I’m in the lounge, it starts to pour like there’s no tomorrow… twice this week, I was stuck in Uni unable to go out for lunch. The first time around, I had to resort to buying cafeteria food then hurrying to find a nice warm and dry lecture theatre to dine. The cafeteria was full to the brim with students, you see... the second time around, i braved the rain and walked to Medan to have my lunch with nick, hong, alex and mei ling. luckily, i had "my" jacket with me. with the hood up, and the jacket covering me up to my thighs, i was very dry when i reached Medan.
when working in the lounge, it can get so cold my fingers turn blue. to remedy the situation, what i do is i try to drink more water i brought from home and fill my bottle nearly full of the hot water in the gym. i would then have my make shift hot water bottle!!! ain't i a genius?! hahah! luckily, i have my jacket with me most of the time, or i think i would have turned into a frozen popsicle! nick's lips turned blue today from the cold. freaky... i rue the day he goes to some snowy place. i think i'd have fun keeping his lips pink! :P
i have officially handed up my first two assignments of the semester!!! woot! both of which i tried to complete in the student lounge with frozen fingers as i hammered away on my keyboard... jacket or no, it was freaking cold! i think the thermostat has konged out! i'm surprised if the temperature in the room was less than 16 degrees celcius! and that is too cold for me without my lunch to metabolise into heat! ok, technically, heat is a by-product... but then let's not get all antsy about it eh? :D
speaking of bugs, i have officially sucessfully stained my first set of Drosophila Krupple mutation egg! woot! it was so pretty! the bands are lovely! i haven't taken my pictures from the student drive though... muct get around to doing it! while we were waiting for our stains to be done, we (ok, mainly me) started to "analyse" a parasetic insect that sucks sap for a living (not aphids). come to think of it, i remind me of those little kids that pull the wings off flies to see if they'll survive. cruel, but i was curious whether it would stain with the same reagents we used to stain the eggs. obviously not... but worth the shot. i'm so freaking evil...